The Multi Platform Story Ecosystem – Brian Seth Hurst takes us on a whirlwind ride through his four models of Transmedia Multi platform storytelling with case studies including Conspiracy for Good, Legion of Extraordinary Dancers, Supernatural. Using his four models (1) Heres the Story (2) I’m Listening (3) My World and Welcome To It (4) Take It, Its Yours – Brian looks at the power of Fan Fiction alongside professionally created Story canon and how campaigns must always involve users to great or lesser degrees. He begins by painting a broad picture of how to appreciate and develop storyworlds and map them across a multi platform ecosystem – while constantly keeping your eye on the franchise as it spreads into user created content.
The Multi Platform Story Ecosystem – A presentation by Brian Seth Hurst, given at the StoryLabs & Screen Australia labs and digital ignition seminar held in Sydney in late Nov 2012. StoryLab’s Podcasts: Recorded and Produced by Gary P Hayes
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BRIAN SETH HURST (US) is CEO of The Opportunity Management Company, a strategic consultancy that is driving innovation and the next generation of entertainment. Referred to as “the father of cross platform”, Brian coined the term in 1998 as MD of Convergent Media at Pittard Sullivan, where he launched TV Guide as the first ever cross platform brand. Hurst’s credo, “go to where your audience lives” continues to transform the relationship of audiences to programming.
Under Brian’s leadership, TOMC has assisted broadcast clients and content rights holders in extending their programming and building communities on new platforms. The company has a rich practice in the building of “cross media and multiplatform ecosystems” including Alternate Reality Games and the burgeoning field of Augmented Reality. Clients have included: Showtime, Lifetime, SVT (Swedish Pubic Television), New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, NBCUniversal, Intel, Les Mills Fitness and AOL as well as successful start-ups including Nixle and Paltalk. Hurst was on the team at Pittard Sullivan as MD of Convergence that developed the original user experience for TiVo. He has held or holds advisory board positions with MobiTV, Zannel, Vwalls, Social Samba and Nixle. Hurst is a principal and is currently at work on Tim Kring’s (creator of Heroes) project the award winning “Conspiracy For Good” for which he created the terms “Social Benefit Storytelling” and “Social Benefit Marketing” to describe this new entertainment genre and the project’s impact.
Well known for his dedication and service to the industry, Brian spent 10 years on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences building the Primetime Emmy® Brand Strategy and serving in various positions including Second Vice Chair. He served 3 terms on the National Board of the Producers Guild of America. Recipient of an Interactive TV Today [itvt] Award for Leadership in Interactive Television, he has been profiled in Emmy® Magazine one of the 10 media executives in the business leading the industry’s digital drive. Hurst was named two years running to the Hollywood Reporter/PGA Digital 50. Previously, he served two terms as Chairman of the Producers Guild of America New Media Council while simultaneously serving on the Television Academy’s Board of Governors representing Interactive Media. Hurst was appointed Global Digital Ambassador for the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences in 2009.
Hurst is also co-author with Olivia Newton-John of Simon and Schuster’s bestselling children’s book “A Pig Tale”.